Business Set Lunch

Two people having a Business Set Lunch in Tablescape Restaurant & Bar at Grand Park City Hall

Elevate your lunch experience with our exquisite, refreshed 3-course Business Set Lunch. Begin with some delectable starters like our Char-grilled Squid, followed by indulging in hearty dishes like Duck Confit or Oven Roasted Snapper for your main and sealing the deal with a choice of sweet finish.

Join us as we redefine midday dining and savor the art of gastronomy.

Click here for the full menu.

Logo of Park Hotel Group used at Grand Park City Hall

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Official logo of Park Hotel      
Destination logo used at Grand Park City Hall      
Vertical gold line used at Grand Park City Hall      
Park Rewards logo used at Grand Park City Hall

Horizontal gold line used at Grand Park City Hall